KeyBank Greatest Hits

A Little Goes a Long Way

Most portfolios focus on massive projects following the full design process, but what about the quick hitters we also spend time on along the way that make a difference?

This case study showcases incremental enhancements leading to JD Power award-winning customer satisfaction.

Transfer Time Zones

Articulating design decisions, UI design refresh

What the stakeholders asked for: moving to our ADA-compliant design system components, with the caveat of a massive paragraph in the middle of the page

What design negotiated: a 3-line blurb with option to expand a bottom card with details

How we did it:

  • we showed our stakeholders the screen on the left and ran it through the ‘above the fold’ Figma plugin to show how disruptive this text would be in a frequently performed action

  • reminded our line of business partners that we have over a million clients using the mobile experience

Design System Headers File

Information architecture, design system

🤯 Before: 20+ pages of headers used across multiple products within Key’s enterprise


  • organized by product, squad, and breakpoint

  • leveraging boolean components

Aggregators/Third-Party Access

UI design refresh

Before: global on/off toggle


  • more transparency into what information get shared, assurances for sensitive information that will not be exchanged with external apps

  • access by aggregator

  • link/unlink by account

  • option to automate sharing for any accounts that get added in the future

Enroll without SSN

Net new experience

Before: Only U.S. citizens are able to open an account.


  • Enrolling without a social security number accommodates hundreds of thousands of edge case users and no longer requires them to go in-branch to get authorized to access online banking

  • Net new experience aligns Key with all national bank and some regional bank competitor firms who already have this option

Deep Link Error Page

Security enhancement, UI design refresh

Before: old code repository component

After: updated component to reflect design system standards & mitigate security risk

Unlock Account

UI design refresh

Before: 4-5 clicks, 5 screens, user only knows if password failed to meet criteria when encountering an error

After: 3-4 clicks, 4 screens with remember preferred one-time password delivery method and phone number opt-in, dynamic indicator on password criteria

The Impact

Key’s incremental improvements throughout 2022 and 2023 helped us to outrank regional banks in our competitive set for both basic and power users, landing the #1 spot in online banking satisfaction.

That said, we still have work to do and would like to strive towards placing closer to the major, national banks.